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Dominion Blog

Matt Mitchell

Recent Posts

Engaging in the "Great Conversation" with "Great Books"

Today, we continue our discussion about classical education, turning attention to two phrases used frequently in classical schools: the "Great Books” and the "Great Conversation.”

What is the Harkness Method?

The Harkness Method is a round-table approach to learning that was developed at Phillips Exeter Academy, a premier New England college-preparatory secondary school founded in 1781. This approach to teaching emphasizes conversation-based instruction...

What is the Trivium?

Until the progressive educational reforms of the late 1800s and early 1900s, classical education was the prevailing form of education. It was the education of our forefathers as well as most significant thinkers and philosophers throughout human...

Our Public Statement on Recent Events

"A profitable conversation about current events always begins in antiquity," remarked Joshua Gibbs (a talented educator in a sister classical school) to his students in response to last week's happenings at the Capitol.  

Election Day and the Liberal Arts

Already, more than 90 million United States Citizens have voted.  Millions more will cast ballots today. 

30 Things to Do With Your Children While You're At Home

As a school leadership team, we've recently discussed the difference between "entertainment" and "leisure." Screens provide entertainment. Have we lost what it means to enjoy "leisure?" Below, we offer a series of ideas that may help you add...

Six Tips for Managing Technology While Your Children Learn at Home

Coronavirus has turned the world on its head. As a school that strives to minimize the use of technology, today we find our students using it extensively for their learning. We want to encourage our community to be intentional about when and how...

Redeeming the Use of Technology

When I was a student in a theologically conservative and Reformed college, we often used the phrase, “The antithesis runs through it.” In one sense, the statement is a reminder that the distinctions of good and bad or sacred and secular don’t quite...

Six Tips for Managing Children’s and Teens’ Use of Technology

The modern household is overrun with technology. And, what’s hard is that technology is easy.

It entertains us.

It is addictive.

It entertains and keeps our children quiet after a long, hard day at work.

But, brain-based research says it’s harming...

Welcome to Our New Website and Blog!

Whether you were directed here from a Google search, a friend’s recommendation or social media, we warmly invite you to join us as we navigate the ins and outs of parenting, hear stories of faith from our school community and learn about the...