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Support Us

By Giving to the Annual Fund

Give to the Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is the cornerstone of all fundraising efforts at Dominion Christian School. Its revenues support not only today’s operations, but also the vision for a better Dominion of tomorrow. Where tuition offsets the cost of attendance for your child, your contribution to the annual fund enables us to build a better, stronger school that will be better equipped to serve the Northern Virginia community with each year that passes. Give to our annual fund online here or write a check payable to The Dominion School, Inc. You may mail your tax-deductible pledge or contribution as follows: Dominion Christian School; Attention: Karen Seager; 1545 Dranesville Road; Herndon, VA 20170. If your gift is given in memory or in honor of someone, please make note in the memo line.

The Annual Fund

  • Helps close the gap between tuition and the cost of a Dominion education
  • Sustains the Dominion tradition of excellence in its programs, such as arts, athletics, educational travel, and other co-curricular offerings
  • Sustains small classes, high academic quality, and strong faculty and leadership.

Rooted Capital Campaign

At the end of the 2022-2023 school year, ten classes across our three campuses were capped. All three of our locations (Oakton, Potomac Falls, and Reston) were at or near capacity. Demand for additional seats remains strong, and facilities have long been Dominion's greatest need.

This demand prompted a feasibility study to assess support of a capital campaign to expand our capacity. As a result of that study, we embarked on "Rooted: A Capital Campaign for Dominion Christian School." We set our fund-raising goal at $1,570,000 to help fund the acquisition of the North Campus, as well as support improvements to Dominion’s facilities on both campuses, contribute to operating expenses, and sustain Dominion’s endowment through this next phase. 

In God's providence, we found a new home to consolidate our Reston and Potomac Falls locations into a new "North Campus." The South Campus (Oakton) remains in operation, with a shuttle between the two campuses. Together, the North and South Campuses have the capacity to serve approximately 400 students  immediately. With future permitting changes, we hope to serve as many as 500 students, including two classes per grade level K-12.

To date, we have received over $1,400,000 in gifts and pledges toward our goal!  We'd love to have you join our team of wonderful donors and help us meet our campaign goal.  Click here to give online, or print and fill out a pledge card and mail it to Dominion Christian School; Attention: Hillary Johnsrud; 1545 Dranesville Road; Herndon, VA 20170. Thank you so much for your support!


Ways to Give to the Annual Fund or Rooted Campaign

  • Check: Please make checks payable to The Dominion School, Inc. You may mail your tax-deductible pledge or contribution as follows: Dominion Christian School; Attention: Karen Seager (Annual Fund) or Hillary Johnsrud (Rooted Campaign); 1545 Dranesville Road; Herndon, VA 20170. If your gift is given in memory or in honor of someone, please make note in the memo line.
  • Planned Giving: There are creative ways to give to Dominion. Called planned gifts, these options often provide the most generous support for a school’s mission with minimal sacrifice required from the donor.
  • Business Sponsorships: Each spring, Dominion hosts a fundraising dinner that is attended by more than 150 individuals from the greater-D.C. area. Dominion invites businesses to sponsor a table or to serve as a presenting sponsor for this event. For details, please contact the Head of School, Matt Mitchell.
  • Matching Gifts: Many businesses and employers will double, sometimes triple, your contribution if you give through their programs. Check with your human resources department for more information.
  • Securities: Dominion accepts securities such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. By making a contribution of these items, the donor can often experience substantial tax savings.
  • Gifts In Kind: We consider and may accept Gifts In Kind on a case-by-case basis, provided the gift in kind furthers the mission of the school. The federal tax code prohibits our organization from appraising the value of an item, so we urge you to consult with a tax professional before making such a gift.



Your shopping can benefit Dominion! The Amazon School Rewards Program is a great way to let your shopping earn money for Dominion. Here’s how it Works:

  • Click on this Amazon link to get started by selecting The Dominion School Incorporated.
  • Shop on Amazon.Smile, privately and securely using your existing Amazon account.
  • Eligible purchases will earn a referral fee for Dominion of 0.5% of the purchase price of your order.
  • Use the default Smile.Amazon.com to access your account every time you purchase from Amazon and automatically support your school!

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