In our statements of mission, vision, values, and philosophy, we intentionally echo Augustine's call for human beings to pursue rightly-ordered loves, or affections. We aim to help young men and women develop the right desires and prioritize them well. Loving rightly begins with pursuing and loving our Maker, not just knowing about Him or the world He has made. Desiring God leads to loving ourselves and others rightly as image bearers. It also helps us rightly value and prioritize other earthly things. These biblical and Augustinian ideals are at the heart of our mission, vision, and values because the ideas themselves are profound, biblical, and instructive to believers.
Dominion is a classical Christian school that strives to glorify and enjoy God by thinking deeply, living virtuously, and loving rightly.
Dominion will help young men and women cultivate an appetite for rightly-ordered loves so that they may pursue God in any calling.
Since Dominion’s desire is for every student to be fully formed and develop rightly-ordered loves that begin with a robust and personal faith in Jesus Christ, we value:
Member of: Association of Classical Christian Schools
Accredited By: Southern Association of Independent Schools