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Mock Trial Retreat @ Flanders

Posted by Terri Messenheimer on Mar 26, 2018 9:40:40 AM

Mock Trial Retreat at Flanders -- Thursday 6:15pm - Noon Saturday

This has evolved a bit due to moving parts, but here's the latest. We'll start later on Thursday due to play practice, but the Friday play practice won't be an interruption now. 

* We'll start at 6:15 pm on Thursday, April 12 at the Flanders (11609 Pine Tree Dr, Fairfax... directions below... Ph 703-277-1933) so parents can shoot directly to the DCS Fundraiser Dinner at the Waterford (Fair Oaks Mall perimeter building). Mr. Bolls will be leading this evening since Mr & Mrs Flanders are attending the DCS event. I'll have pasta and salad ready for dinner. Do remember this is an early dismissal day so students that are not involved in the play will need to be picked up from DCS at 12:23

* Pick up time on Saturday will be 12:00 noon so drama folks can go to their 1:00 rehearsal. If Eddie or Cattie can attend, please let me know and you are welcome to arrive by 9:30 am for breakfast. 

* It probably can go without being stated , but the team should come ready to work hard. There will be breaks (even hot tub breaks), but it needs to be clear your focus is the case. If you have down time and can't help others with the case then please do your homework. 

* The fellas will sleep in our basement (one double bed to fight over...rest on the floor) and the ladies will be on the top floor (they all get beds...but bring sleeping bags). 

* If someone has meal suggestions, please contact me directly. I think I have dinner covered both nights and probably both breakfasts. I am in a quandary regarding lunch for Friday. I'll welcome chips, and baked goods, too. 

Sleeping Bag
Towel (Bath & Beach for hot tub) 
Swim Suit
Flip Flops 
Comfortable Clothes
ALL Mock Trial Info

This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/dominionschool.com/mock-trial?hceid=ZG9taW5pb25zY2hvb2wuY29tX2FrbG4yZHJ2aDVoZGVkYmoyb2k2dGVucjJjQGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20.4aolhmgrk7sa7nit7s821jc0h6&hs=121