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House Color Day

Posted by dominionschool on Dec 7, 2016 10:41:05 AM

On the first and third Wednesday of each month, students will generally be permitted to wear house shirts with khaki pants, jeans, or uniform skirts/shorts of the student's choosing. Only house shirts will be allowed (last year's house shirts are also permitted).

This event has a Google Hangouts video call.
Join: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/dominionschool.com/house-color-day?hceid=ZG9taW5pb25zY2hvb2wuY29tX3ZhdmxudDI3N3UyZHJhNjcxbGs5b2tpbjEwQGdyb3VwLmNhbGVuZGFyLmdvb2dsZS5jb20.dvok0ug4pparvrthab2cpm2i08&hs=121