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Theatre for the Kingdom of God is not an opportunity for escapism from the real world, but a redemptive errand through which an actor may find his own strengths, weaknesses, hopes, fears, and his place in the narrative of grace. By reading, memorizing, and performing various works, students will encounter the various worldviews, motivations, and psyches of their characters, and balance them against a Biblical worldview. 

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Middle School

The Middle School drama class incorporates memorization and character-building. Some of the projects our eighth grade students work on include dramatic monologues and recitations, as well as some short scenes performed in groups. The eighth grade class also presents a play in April, as well as performs for their classmates during lunch periods throughout the year.

We also offer a year-round improv club for middle and upper school students.

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Upper School

The High School drama program includes a broader range of theatre disciplines, including writing, directing, and performing original short scenes, preparing a formal audition, and some opportunities for stage management. Students are also challenged to dig deeper into their characters and to practice representational acting rather than presentational acting, following Paul’s charge in 1 Corinthians 11:1: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” Grades 9th through 12th perform several short scenes, monologues, and other projects throughout the year, and present a full-length play in February.

We also offer a year-round improv club for middle and upper school students. 

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